What grades can participate in MathCON?
- 4th-12th Grades
Is the MathCON Online Test timed, and if so, what is the time limit?
How can I register my school for MathCON?
To register your school for MathCON and become the MathCON Coordinator, any school administrator, math department head, or teacher can complete the registration.
Once your school is registered, up to 1,000 students can participate in the first round of the MathCON Online Test. The MathCON Coordinator will receive a username and password, which can be shared with other interested math teachers at your school.
With this login information, math teachers can then add their students (either their entire math class or selected students) to the MathCON Admin Portal. Students can start studying practice tests and take the online test when the testing window opens in January. Teachers can continue to add or upload students until the last day of testing, March 7, 2025.
To register, click here! For more information about registration, click here.
How can I register as an individual for MathCON?
Parents or guardians can register their students as individual participants in MathCON. When a parent registers, they become their child’s MathCON Coordinator/ Admin.
The cost for individual registration is $45 USD per student. This fee includes access to all 16 Weekly Practice Tests.
After completing the registration, the MathCON Coordinator (parent or guardian) will receive their child’s unique username and password. This allows the student to log in to their own account, view the Weekly Practice Tests, and access the first round of the Online Test.
You can enter your child’s school name during registration. Please note that this information is not communicated to the school.
To register, click here! For more information about registration, click here.
Who can be a MathCON Coordinator and what is the responsibilities of it?
- Anyone! Preferably a school admin, math department head, Center Director, Center Owner, or any math teacher.
- Responsibilities include:
- Registering your school/center and your students
- Passing out username and password (Yes, there is only ONE admin username/password for the entire school/center)
- Distributing student’s unique username/password to each student
- Informing other math teachers or team members in your building about MathCON updates
- Hosting the first round of testing by Friday, March 7, 2025
Can teachers add more students after the initial school registration?
- Once the MathCON Coordinator registers and makes the payment, he/she is able to share the MathCON School credentials (username and password) with other teachers involved. When teachers receive the username/password from the MathCON Coordinator in the building, they are able to add their own students. After teachers add their students, each student will be provided with a unique username and password automatically.

My login information from last year doesn't work, what do I do?
- Every year the MathCON Coordinator will need to re-register and obtain their new login information.
- 2024 login credentials became void on August 19th when 2025 registration went live
How can I access "Students Logins" for the Test?
- When you add your student list, you will be able to see student usernames and passwords in your admin account by clicking the checkbox “Show student username and password for taking the test.”
- Each student takes the test individually, not as a team.
- One school registration includes up to 1,000 student participants for the MathCON Online Test.
- You can also download the student usernames and passwords as an Excel file (located at the bottom right corner of the admin portal).

What if I registered my school for the MathCON Test but did not pay during registrations? (i.e., Can I pay later?)
- If you have registered but have not paid, you may log into your admin account with the username and password you set up when you registered. If you are paying by check or purchase order, please allow 7-14 days for processing. Credit is instant and preferred if you wish to dive in immediately. You cannot add your students, view the Weekly Practice Tests or take the Online Test until payment has been processed.
- Each school must register independently, not as a district or network.
What are the logistics of my students taking the online test between January 15 and March 7, 2025?
- Each student login info is automatically generated by the system when the student information is added to the MathCON Coordinator’s account.
- When the student is ready to take the online test, he or she can click the “Login” link on the MathCON.org menu bar to get started. Testing begins January 15, 2025, (11 AM CT) until March 7, 2025 (11:59 PM CT).
- The online test is available to take 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (from January 15th – March 7th, 2025). It should be taken under the supervision of one of their teachers at school or with their parents at home.
- Students are permitted to use a calculator for the entire online exam.
- Please note, all students DO NOT have to take the test at the same time.
Are students able to take the Online test using iPads and/or Chromebooks?
- Yes, students can take the test using iPads/Chromebooks.
- No software installation is required. The test is web-based. Therefore, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox can be used!
- The Online test can be taken on iPad directly using the Safari browser, too.
What if the website freezes and the students has already started taking the test?
- Close the browser window no answers will be lost because the system records the answer of each question when they click Next.
- Re-open the browser and log back in.
- When the student re-opens the test, the questions that are already answered will be marked blue. Note that the system will randomize the order of questions every time you open the test. Therefore, the questions will be in a different order.
What are the MathCON Weekly Practice Tests?
- MathCON Weekly Practice Tests consists of a series of 16 Practice Tests with answers for grades 4–12. Students are recommended to take these tests before the MathCON Online Test as these practice tests mirror the actual test.
- The Weekly Practice Tests are released every Monday starting September 9, 2024
- Each registration includes 4 out of the 16 practice tests (option to upgrade to all 16)
- Each Weekly Practice Test is a 16-question, multiple-choice exam.
- Students may use a calculator on the Practice Tests.
- Weekly Practice Tests are open till May 31, 2025.
- Students may log in with their credentials that are in their MathCON Coordinator account. Students must be registered and have a username/password assigned to them before they can take the practice tests.
For more information on MathCON’s Weekly Practice Tests, click here!
How much is the registration fee for schools or individuals?
- We offer a couple different options to best fit your school or student! Click here for exact pricing!
What types of payments do you accept?
Payments can be made with a check, purchase order, or credit card/PayPal until testing. If the school is sending a check, please allow 7-14 days for processing of the check. If submitting a purchase order, CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD W-9 FORM FOR INVOICE PURPOSES.
What, when, and where is the MathCON Finals Competition? Is there a registration fee?
- The Finals Competition is the event that occurs after all students complete taking the Online test between January 15 and March 7th.
- 628 of our top-scoring students in 4th-12th grade will qualify and be invited for the MathCON Finals Competition in Chicago, IL.
- Besides MathCON Finals Test (100 minutes), the event will also include games, a magic show, and the Awards ceremony.
- Final Test will be held on May 10, 2025, in McCormick Place Convention Center Chicago, Illinois.
- Thursday, March 14, 2025: Finalist registration opens (11 AM CT)
- Friday, April 4, 2025: Finalist registration closes (11:59 PM CT)
- Final registration is $75 USD, which includes access to our Final eBook (10 Practice Tests and Solutions)
What happens if there is a tie?
Tiebreaker for Online Testing:
In tie-in scores, students will be ranked based on the time they took to complete the test. Students who complete the test in less time will be ranked higher.
Tiebreaker for Paper-Based Test Ranking:
The final paper-based test has 32 questions, and the maximum weighted score is 300. If there is a tie based on the weighted score of the paper-based test:
- The student with more correct answers out of 32 questions will be ranked higher.
- If a tie still exists, the student with a better score on the online test will be the winner.
- If the tied students have the same score on their online tests, the student who spent less time on the online test will be ranked higher.
Finals Invitation Disclaimer:
Please note that invitations to the Finals are by invitation only and are determined by several factors, including scores and time taken during the online test. The MathCON organizing committee uses a selective process, and only the top-scoring contestants will be invited to the finals. Duplicate student tests will be subject to disqualification. All invitation decisions are final and at the sole discretion of the MathCON organizing committee.
Is my student allowed to take the Online Test more than one time?
Can I use MathCON material for my own use?
Copyright © 2025 MathCON. All rights reserved.
The content, including but not limited to Weekly Practice Tests and the Online Test, on the MathCON website is protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property rights. This content is intended solely for the use of MathCON participants and may not be reproduced, distributed, or used in any other manner without the express written permission of MathCON.
Unauthorized use or reproduction of MathCON content, including Weekly Practice Tests and the Online Test, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
For inquiries regarding the use of MathCON content, please contact [email protected].